Wednesday, October 22, 2008

interst and what not...

my general interest are friends music, Internet, family and games. in this order.

1. Friends
2. music
3. Family
4. games
5. Internet

i know i put music before my family but the truth is music is always there for me and sometime family isn't. as far as music goes my favorite bands are killswitch engage(KsE), Dream theatre, Dethklok, and so much more that i don't remember ha ha. games such as Farcry (instincts, instincts evolution, Farcry 2) Call of duty 4: modern warfare, And allot more than that which will probably be listed in another post for the lulz. another interest is the Internet. i love myspace and all but generally my favorite is 4Chan. theres been some bad rumors about them (most of which are true lol) but i like to consider my self as part of the society of which is anonymous. now generally I'm not supposed to talk about /b/ but i will tell you this. do not i repeat DO NOT GO TO 4CHAN. its a terrible place that never forgives and if u get into it your life as you no it will change 4 ever. My family is cool to. but my friends are awesome.

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